Bannock Breads
7 sacred prayers
Aboriginal Day 2003
Noel Knockwood
Eldawik photos
The following material has been provided to us by Noel Knockwood for sale on our site. The monies raised (half)
will be used by the Eldawik Local to continue to grow our support base. Orders can be placed by contacting
Kathy Osborne / kathyo@ns.sympatico.ca
The main purpose of the CD is to familiarize those who wish to know and understand Native Spirituality.
It includes philosphy, prayers, holy rituals, sacred ceremonies, sacred objects and explains as to how
Natives know the God of their understanding.
The CD ($20.00) includes the following selections: |
- Mi'kmaq Honor Chant
- Introduction and Dedications
- Seven Sacred Prayers
- Native Spirituality
- Holy Rituals, Sacred Objects and Ceremonies
- All My Relations
- Traditional Spirituality
- The Eagle Feather
- Giving Birth
- Sacredness, Chants and Death
- Vision Quest, Name Giving and Image of God
- Eurocentrism
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Closing Honor Chant
"Aboriginal or native philosophy is taught in a holistic fashion, in that, it includes the mind
body and the spirit. Traditional native beliefs do not separate the spirit from the body, for
we believe one cannot be without the other."
Noel Knockwood, B.A., Elder (copywrite May 1998) |
The booklet ($10.00) contains the following sections: |
- Introduction
- Seven Sacred Prayers
- Native Spirituality
- Holy Rituals, Sacred Objects and Ceremonies
- All My Relations
- Christopher Columbus
- 1752 Treaty
- Come pray with me
- Traditional Spirituality
- A Prayer to Mother Earth
- Religion and Eurocentrism
- Native Prayer
- The Eagle Feather
- Hear Our Prayer
- Why I Became an Elder
- Natives' Prayer of Thanksgiving