Application for Registration Under the Membership Code of the Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis and the Canadian Métis Council |
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For office use only:
It is important for all new applicants to know that as Métis:
1. Individual Métis are not exempt from sales or income tax,
2. We have no recognized Aboriginal Fishing Rights as of yet,
3. We are currently working on a plan to gain access, as Aboriginals, to
hunting and inland fishing Rights, with the provincial Government of Nova
4. And that, most importantly, we must first crawl before we can run.
However, as Métis, we are eligible for certain educational funding as well
as business funding through various government departments. Contact your Local for information.
What type of membership are you applying for? FULL (Métis) __ ASSOCIATE (non-Aboriginal)__
Membership is open to all individuals who qualify with the following three citeria:
1. Has both Native and Non-Native heritage;
2. Self-identifies as Métis;
3. Accepted within the Métis Community.
As well, an individual may not be a Registered Indian or Inuit as defined within the Indian Act of Canada.
I request that I and my minor children, if eligible, be registered as full Métis members , that our names be
entered in the National register as provided under the Canadian Métis Council membership rules.
Family Name _________________________________________________________
Given Names __________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________
Town _________________________Prov__________Postal Code___________
Date of Birth_____/_____/_____(month/day/year) EMAIL: ___________________
TELEPHONE : HOME_____/______/_________WORK______/_________/_________
If you have children under the age of 12, please list all their names and birth dates and attach a long form birth
registration showing the names of the parents. Your children who have reached the age of 16 must complete a
separate application and also provide a copy of their long form birth registration.
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Please provide reference papers showing that your origins come from someone who is a Métis from North
America OR someone who is a member of a First Nation in North America AND someone who is a member of
one of the Nations of newcomers in North America. Such documents may include copies of an ancestors Indian
status card, or documents showing them as Indian, savage etc such as census reports, marriage, birth or
baptismal certificates. Such terms were often used in old documents including census reports.
*use additional paper if necessary, to provide a clear link to your Métis or First Nation ancestors. For those individuals missing documents, please consult us regarding your options. You MAY still be eligible for membership, as outlined in the membership code of the Canadian Métis Council.
Applications must then be returned to the Métis Local you originally received them from, and will then be passed on to the Confederacy for processing.
We will be pleased to provide you with a membership card should you meet the prescribed criteria. The
Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis warns the applicant that any false statements or falsified documents shall
constitute fraud, and the Confederacy will not be held responsible in the case of legal action against the
________________________________________ ______/______/_______
**NOTE: Membership in the CNSM automatically makes the applicant a member of the Canadian Métis Council, our National Representative Métis Organization.
A certificate of Aboriginal Status- photo identification Membership card provides:
- the right to vote for Aboriginal Leaders - at the community, provincial and National levels;
- the right to hold office at the community, provincial and national levels;
- the right to participate in meetings and provide input on all issues at the community, and
provincial levels;
- to receive up to date information on issues and/or government policies and programs that affect
Aboriginal people;
- the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors at the community, provincial and national levels
Return Completed Application(s) to :
Important note:
You can bring your application
to the next local meeting.
We hope to see you there.
Please include with your application:
- 2 passport- style photos of yourself. There is no need to get professionally made photos done. Those from a Mall photo booth are fine, as well as quality photocopies of a drivers licence, NS ID Card, or NSLC Proof of Age card.
- A cheque or money order for $10.00 made payable to: The Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis. This is a one-time processing fee.
- A cheque or Money Order for $15.00 made payable to: Eldawik Métis Council. This is a yearly membership fee that covers annual operating expenses.
More information can be found at