Name: The Dr. Carrie Best Scholarship
Program Area: Any
Institution: University of King’s College
Study Level: Entrance
Criteria: Africa Canadian and Canadian
Aboriginal students enrolled at the university
Sponsor: Above name
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: March 31
Contact: Secretary of the Scholarship Committee
University of King’s College
Halifax, NS
B3H 2A1
Name: Scholarships for Women
Program Area: Trades
Institution: Any
Study Level: College/University
Criteria: A desire for a career in trades and technology; demonstrated through a written descriptions of career interests; acceptance in specific programs for women.
Sponsor: CN Scholarships for Women
Amount: 58 @ $500
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Canadian National- Employment Equity programs
Box 8100
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 3N4
Name: Royal Bank Native Student Awards
Program Area: Banking
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Contact: Status, Non-Status Indian, Inuit or Metis. Need to be a Canadian resident, enrolling or enrolled into college/university and in need of financial assistance, full course load.
Sponsor: Royal Bank of Canada
Amount: Varies
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Coordinator: Royal Bank Native Student Awards
Human Resources Dept. Head Office
PO Box 6001
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 3A9
Name: Native Women’s Association of Canada
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: Post-Secondary Studies demonstrating a commitment to improving the situation of aboriginal women politically, culturally or economically.
Sponsor: Native Women’s Association of Canada
Amount: 3 @ $1500
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Native Women’s Association of Canada
9 Melrose Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 1T8
Name: Outstanding Community Leadership
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: High school transcripts, submit an essay, letter of recommendation, three letter of support from a community group.
Sponsor: Canada Trust Scholarship
Amount: $3500
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Canada Trust Scholarship Program
300 – 1200 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2A5
Name: National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: (Deadline is May 31 and November 30 of each year). Please see the NAAF information kit pages 1 to 7. This is for the “Arts” e.g. visual art etc. The other is science/math etc.
Sponsor: Aboriginal Veterans Scholarship Trust
Amount: Varies
Deadline: May 1 for 2003/2004 (See Kit)
Contact: National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
70 Yorkville Avenue, Suite 33A
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1B9
(416) 926 0775 or
1 800 329 9780
Name: Legal Studies for Aboriginal People
Program Area: Law
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: Non-Status and Metis. (Deadlines: Summer Pre-Law April 1 Three Year: June 1, Graduate Studies: June 1). Limited numbers of Scholarships are available.
Sponsor: Above name
Amount: Varies
Contact: Program Administration: Legal Studies for Aboriginals
Department of Justice of Canada
222 Queen Street,
10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Name: Health Careers Program Bursary
Program Area: Health Sciences
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: Canadian Aboriginal ancestry, must meet enrollment requirements.
Sponsor: Indian & Inuit Health Careers Program
Amount: 3 @ $1000
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Medical Services Branch, Health & Welfare Canada
20th Floor, Jeanne Mance Building,
Tunney’s Pasture
Ottawa, Ontario
Name: Corbiere-Laval/Two Axe Early Awards
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: One eligible First Nations woman & one eligible Metis woman. Commitment to improving the situation of Aboriginal Women.
Sponsor: Native Women’s Association of Canada
Amount: 2 @ 1500
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Native Women’s Association of Canada
9 Melrose Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 1T8
Name: Foundation for the Advancement of Aboriginal
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: Any
Criteria: Must be Aboriginal student returning to high school age 13-18, ($500) or post-secondary student ($1000). Read the FAAY insert.
Sponsor: Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
Amount: $500 - $1000
Deadline: N/A
Contact: FAAY: c/o Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
204A St. George Street
Coach House, Main floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2N5
(416) 961 8663
Name: Canadian Medical Association
Program Area: Medical
Institution: Any
Study Level: University
Criteria: Status Indian, Non-Status Indian, Inuit and Metis. Financial need, acceptance into first year of medical school, or enrollment into 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year. (Annual renewal)
Note: Deadline: August 31 of preceding academic year.
Sponsor: Canadian Medical Association
Amount: $4000
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Medical Education Section
Canadian Medical Association
1867 Alta Vista Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 3Y6
Name: Computer and Math Sciences
Program Area: Any
Institution: Any
Study Level: University
Criteria: Canadian citizen and resident, status or non-status Indian, Metis, or Inuit, F/T student.
Sponsor: Xerox Canada
Amount: $3000
Deadline: N/A
Contact: Xerox Canada Ltd., Contributions Administrator
5650 Young Street
North York, Ontario
M2M 4G7